
Hi, I'm
Sohaib Segueni.

I'am a web developer from Algeria.
You can contact me at sohaibsegueni8@gmail.com
Also you can :

About me:

My name is Sohaib Segueni, A web developer and student based in algeria. I enjoy coding and solving problems.



The dominating programming langauge for web development


Webpage's skeleton, everyday learning new tags that make life easier for both me and the user.


This is what makes webpages beautiful. used for styling, layout and animation.


I do not use this one for web, but I found it a very usefull server-side language.


A version control tool to track changes on projects I build, Also helps when collaborating with other developers


Besides Web Development, I am interested in many other it domains.
Including but not limited to:


Web Scraping

Cyber Security

Operating Systems

My Recent Works:


Time Tracking Dashboard

Used React.js components and state to create a single page application.

  • html
  • css
  • javascript
  • React.js

Intro Section with Dropdown menu

Used css Grid and flexbox to layout the page, Made a drop down menu which is one of most common components using css and javascript.

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

Interactive & Responsive comments section

advanced use of css grid to create a responsive page,JSON to store comments and Javascript to manage comments deferent states

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

Modern Interior Design landing page

Used css Grid to layout a landing page, Made a carousel from scratch using javascript.

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

Ecommerce Product Page

Used html and css to design a product page with mobile first approach, javascript to manage multiple page events including cart and a made from scratch carousel.

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

Advice Generator App

an app to generate random advice from a GET api using javascript fetch()

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

Interactive Rating Component

Used javascript DOM to control deferent objects on the screen

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

My Personal Website

This Website ! I used different layout systems like Grid and Flex to create a responsive personal website

  • html
  • css
  • javascript